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Concert Deck

To set the stage: I grew up as an avid music lover in the small and beautiful island of Jamaica. Most of the definitive moments in my life can be linked back to music. Music was so epic for me, but I never got to experience my favourite artists live. Eventually, I moved to Toronto and finally was able to afford concert tickets to one of my childhood favorites. I was about to have the experience I wanted with my friends. Yay!!...???

After the pandemic ruined my dreams, the concept for this hit home. What if I could change this experience? Could I create something that extends beyond pandemics and small town/country and make sure this would not have to happen again?

User Research & Findings

I started out by fleshing out the concept for my idea by defining the problems and my target audience and their pain points. This changed quite a bit over time as I did my User Research and Testing

I created a survey and sent it out to my target audience and compiled a report analyzing the data and comparing it to my original concept visualization

As part of my findings, I fleshed out personas based on my research and created themes for them based on what I thought their needs were. This was the lead in towards the conceptualization of the wireframing and prototyping process. 

Wireframing & Prototyping


User Testing

I began with wireframing at the most basic level. I started with paper and then using Adobe XD, I mapped out what would be a basic outline of what this app would look like.

Once I had a basic prototype down, I gave users a chance to play around with it. I took these notes and made the necessary changes to the prototype


You can watch the video below to get a preview of the video or you can interact with it HERE

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